invalidating a page using ruby

Per Buer perbu at
Thu Mar 1 09:48:06 CET 2012


On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 11:27 PM, S Ahmed <sahmed1020 at> wrote:

> How would you go about invalidating a cache with ruby?

You either use HTTP PURGE against Varnish or issue a ban. See the tutorial
for details.

Also, from what I understand varnish doesn't support clustering.  What if
> you grow past a single server, do you somehow use a hashing algorithm to
> choose which server will have the cached page?  (if yes, then at what layer
> will this hashing be done?)

You can either use Varnish as a load balancer (it is rather good at load
balancing) use the hash director or any other load balancer  that supports
"URL target" hashing.

Per Buer, CEO
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