Assert on latest trunk 3233

Audun Ytterdal audun at
Sun Sep 28 15:19:02 CEST 2008

I was trying to upgrade from 3120 to 3233 for one of the varnishes in
front of

Crashed every second with the following assert

Sep 28 12:22:32 sol varnishd[20950]: Child (27902) said Child starts
Sep 28 12:22:32 sol varnishd[20950]: Child (27902) said Ready
Sep 28 12:22:32 sol varnishd[20950]: Child (27902) died signal=6
Sep 28 12:22:32 sol varnishd[20950]: Child (27902) Panic message: Assert error i
n VCL_recv_method(), ../../include/vcl_returns.h line 37:   Condition(sp->handli
ng & ((1 << 0)|(1 << 4)|(1 << 3)|(1 << 1))) not true.  thread = (cache-worker)sp
 = 0x7f5b2d306008 {   fd = 10, id = 10, xid = 1213163876,   client =
:2625,   step = STP_RECV,   handling = 0x0,   ws = 0x7f5b2d306078 {      id = "s
ess",     {s,f,r,e} = {0x7f5b2d3067a0,,+541,(nil),+8192},   },     worker = 0x41
d6ac00 {     },     vcl = {       srcname = {         "/etc/varnish/vg.vcl",
     "Default",         "/etc/varnish/identity.vcl",       },     }, },
Sep 28 12:22:32 sol varnishd[20950]: child (27909) Started

reverted back to 3120 and it works again.

Centos 5.2 and following parameters

/usr/sbin/varnishd -a :80 -f /etc/varnish/vg.vcl -T -t
120 -u varnish -g varnish -p thread_pool_add_delay 100 -p
thread_pool_timeout 600 -p client_http11 on -p lru_interval 3600 -w
10,1000,120 -s malloc,7G -P /var/run/

(are those still valid performance tuned parameters...?)

Audun Ytterdal

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