varnishd appears to die if error is called from vcl_deliver

Nathan Uno nigel_varnish at
Thu Nov 13 05:34:53 CET 2008

If I call error from vcl_deliver varnishd appears to die.  For example, the
following (nonsensical) definition:

sub vcl_deliver {
    error 503 "Badness";

... results in the following varnishlog output (which looks like a crash to

   10 SessionOpen  c 47478 :8081
   10 ReqStart     c 47478 1731927449
   10 RxRequest    c GET
   10 RxURL        c /PRIME/mtproxy/mtdata/14/2608/5704/1024
   10 RxProtocol   c HTTP/1.1
   10 RxHeader     c Accept-Encoding: identity
   10 RxHeader     c Host:
   10 RxHeader     c Connection: close
   10 RxHeader     c User-agent: Python-urllib/2.4
   10 VCL_call     c recv
   10 VCL_return   c lookup
   10 VCL_call     c hash
   10 VCL_return   c hash
   10 VCL_call     c miss
   10 VCL_return   c fetch
   12 BackendOpen  b default 60316 8880
   10 Backend      c 12 default default
   12 TxRequest    b GET
   12 TxURL        b /PRIME/mtproxy/mtdata/14/2608/5704/1024
   12 TxProtocol   b HTTP/1.1
   12 TxHeader     b Accept-Encoding: identity
   12 TxHeader     b Host:
   12 TxHeader     b User-agent: Python-urllib/2.4
   12 TxHeader     b X-Varnish: 1731927449
   12 TxHeader     b X-Forwarded-For:
    0 CLI          - Rd vcl.load boot ./
    0 CLI          - Wr 0 200 Loaded "./" as "boot"
    0 CLI          - Rd vcl.use boot
    0 CLI          - Wr 0 200
    0 CLI          - Rd start
    0 Debug        - "Acceptor is epoll"
    0 CLI          - Wr 0 200
    0 WorkThread   - 0x4485ec10 start
    0 WorkThread   - 0x4525fc10 start
    0 WorkThread   - 0x45c60c10 start
    0 WorkThread   - 0x46661c10 start
    0 WorkThread   - 0x47062c10 start
    0 WorkThread   - 0x47a63c10 start
    0 WorkThread   - 0x48464c10 start
    0 WorkThread   - 0x48e65c10 start
    0 WorkThread   - 0x49866c10 start
    0 WorkThread   - 0x4a267c10 start
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